The To Do List

  • Welcome 'boot-up' needs sound, as does the menu screen
  • Menu screen could look better, I reckon
  • Targets on the first level could do with being larger and easier to hit - I don't want it to be to difficult too quickly
  • The music on the last level will be different from the music in the previous level, that's still in progress. Also need to make sure the levels are tweaked so the spoken word is at the forefront of the mix
  • I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to fade out the volume rather than have it be at 0 or 1. As such, I've tried to make that make sense in the context of the thing...but it would be nice to figure that out XD
  • The static screen is a placeholder really - something that'll take you back to the menu screen. Once you've done the whole decryption, I'd like for a transcript of sorts to be available as a 'new file' on the menu screen

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